First 12 Golden Rules

What is Golden twelve (12) Rules?

To bringing the company in the new world of Excellency. Suggesting that a series of presentation of short time, so that we have to understand where we are in present situation, and where we have to go & how we will go to reach our destination, each and every single goal will be defined through this journey by follow mentioned 12 golden rules.

Ultimate goal be one of the best leader in the garments world.

RULES-01: Need to understand or need to know the benchmark of a goal. Where we stand in present situation and compare to other’s and find out who is the outstanding.
RULES-02: Need of Update System & Procedures.
RULES-03: Need Required or Perfect Knowledge of the Business. (Follow That Who is doing outstanding performance, learn from their best practices and examine and implement and check & improve).
RULES-04: Should be Create a Uniqueness and keep in mind no one can copy that.
RULES-05: Should be Act and React Spontaneously.
RULES-06: Make a good Relationship with partners and associates within the business internal and external in a professional view.
RULES-07: Should be aware of your inefficiencies & overcome from all type of stress situation by Team playing effective game.
RULES-08: Adapting to a Changed cultures how to compete and beat the time be always in the front end.
RULES-09: You have to understand the time frame which you have and the value of each time (second, minute) of best contribution your time and others time.
RULES-10: Work out the end result by planning your journey wisely where and how to start efficiently and effectively.
RULES-11: Add value to what we do for the business as well as out personal life.
RULES-12: How to be and act as a professional.

Engr Rayhan Kabir
Manager IE

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