Some Shipping Terms

Here i have given some information about sipping terms:

01-CM: Cost of Making.

02- FOB: Freight on board (Named use port of shipment)

03- C&F: Cost and Freight or Clearing and Forwarding.

04- CIF: Cost Insurance and freight. (Named use port of Destination)

05- CIFI: Cost Insurance freight and interest.

06- CIFE: Cost Insurance freight Exchange.

07-COD: Cash on Delivery.

08-CWO: Cash with order.

09-FOW: Free on wagon.

10- Franco (Named use port of shipment)

11-CFR: Cost and Freight (Named use port of Destination)

12- CPT: Carriage Paid to (Named use place of Destination)

13- CIP: Carriage Insurance paid to (Named use place of Destination)

14- DAF: Delivered at frontier (Named Place)

15- DES: Delivered Ex Ship (Named use port of Destination)

16- DEQ: Delivered Ex Quay (Named use port of Destination)

17-DDU: Delivered Duty unpaid. (Named use place of Destination)

18- DDO: Delivered duty Paid. (Named use place of Destination)


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