Demo of Visual Card of Traffic Light Quality System

Here I have shown bellow three different cards as demo, Which is can be used for Monitoring traffic light quality system and its best easier Method for monitoring.

 Advantage of this visual card 
  1. Easy to understand of Quality Errors.  
  2. Easy to Monitor Critical Points.
  3. Get Quick Response from Production Team.
  4. Gradually Improve Products Quality 
  5. Gradually Improve Productivity, Etc

Disadvantage of Visual Card 
  1. Little Costly
  2. Need a Dedicated Person to Maintain This.

Demo Card: 

Fig: Green Card Demo

 Fig: Yellow Card Demo

Fig: Red Card Demo

NB: The information written on the card can be customized

To Know More About TLQS Please Contact.....

Engr. Rayhan Kabir
Manager IE

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